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Explanation Osmand+download


Our tour will be offered both as a paper version and as a gpx file, which will also guide you on the mapped-out route with the free program Osmand.


As more and more people own a smartphone and experience the benefits of navigating with GPS, we will also offer our ride for the GPS, a very handy, free and versatile program for this is Osmand, which can be downloaded HERE! Because this program can handle gpx files very well, this is a great solution for driving mapped-out tours on GPS... later comes the explanation for installing the program, tracks (the tour itself) and some explanation about the use of the program...

Tour east block meeting gpx file

Download your tour gpx file below. You can use this file with a Garmin device, or a smartphone with Osmand.

Download Osman

Use the link below for your program Osmand, to be downloaded with a Smartphone. Usable for both Apple and Android.

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